A 10-step guide to regular audits and inspections

Conducting regular Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) audits and site inspections is crucial for maintaining compliance and enhancing workplace safety and environmental stewardship. Here’s a 10-step checklist to ensure effective audits and inspections:

1. Develop an Audit and Inspection Schedule

  • Establish a regular schedule for EHS audits and inspections, considering the complexity and risks associated with different areas of operations.

  • Ensure the schedule complies with legal requirements and industry best practices.

2. Define Scope and Objectives

  • Clearly define the scope and objectives for each audit and inspection, identifying specific areas, processes, or compliance requirements to be evaluated.

3. Select Qualified Auditors and Inspectors

  • Choose individuals with the necessary qualifications, experience, and training to conduct thorough EHS audits and inspections.

  • Consider involving third-party auditors for impartial assessments.

4. Train Auditors and Inspectors

  • Provide training on the latest EHS regulations, company policies, audit techniques, and reporting procedures.

  • Ensure they understand the specific hazards and controls relevant to the areas they will audit.

5. Communicate Audit and Inspection Plans

  • Inform relevant departments and employees about upcoming audits and inspections, including the scope, timing, and what is expected from them.

  • Encourage cooperation and openness during the process.

6. Conduct Audits and Inspections

  • Use checklists and tools aligned with the audit/inspection objectives to systematically evaluate compliance, identify risks, and observe practices.

  • Include interviews with employees, review of documents, and physical inspection of facilities and equipment.

7. Document Findings and Recommendations

  • Clearly document all findings, including non-compliance issues, hazards identified, and recommendations for corrective actions.

  • Prioritize issues based on their risk level.

8. Provide Feedback and Discuss Findings

  • Share audit and inspection results with management and relevant employees.

  • Discuss findings in detail, including potential consequences and proposed corrective actions.

9. Implement Corrective Actions

  • Develop a plan to address audit and inspection findings, assigning responsibilities and deadlines for corrective actions.

  • Ensure adequate resources are allocated for implementation.

10. Review and Follow-Up

  • Schedule follow-up audits or inspections to verify the effective implementation of corrective actions.

  • Review the overall EHS auditing and inspection process regularly to improve its effectiveness and efficiency.

Following this checklist helps ensure that EHS audits and inspections are conducted systematically and effectively, leading to continuous improvement in environmental, health, and safety performance.


Need to conduct an audit of EHS practices? Follow this checklist


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