10 ways to improve EHS safety and performance by engaging with external stakeholders

Engaging with external stakeholders is essential for any company aiming to be viewed as a responsible corporate citizen, especially in the fields of Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS). Here's a 10-step checklist to guide your engagement:

1. Identify Key External Stakeholders

  • List all relevant stakeholders, including regulatory agencies, local community groups, environmental organizations, and industry partners.

2. Understand Stakeholder Concerns and Expectations

  • Conduct research or hold preliminary discussions to understand the concerns, interests, and expectations of each stakeholder group.

3. Develop a Communication Plan

  • Create a plan that outlines how and when you will communicate with each stakeholder group. Include objectives, methods, and frequency of communication.

4. Assign Responsibility

  • Designate team members responsible for managing relationships with each stakeholder group. Ensure they have the skills and knowledge to effectively communicate and address concerns.

5. Engage Regulatory Agencies Proactively

  • Maintain open lines of communication with regulatory agencies. Keep them informed of your initiatives and compliance efforts, and seek their guidance on regulatory matters.

6. Participate in Community Events

  • Actively participate in or sponsor local community events to build goodwill and demonstrate your company's commitment to the community.

7. Collaborate with Environmental Groups

  • Identify opportunities for collaboration with environmental organizations on projects or initiatives that benefit the environment and align with your company's sustainability goals.

8. Host Open Houses or Public Meetings

  • Organize events at your facilities where stakeholders can learn about your operations, EHS initiatives, and how you manage risks and impacts.

9. Respond to Concerns Promptly and Transparently

  • Establish a process for addressing stakeholder concerns promptly and transparently. Ensure stakeholders know how to raise concerns and what to expect in response.

10. Review and Adjust Your Engagement Strategy

  • Regularly review the effectiveness of your stakeholder engagement efforts. Solicit feedback from stakeholders and adjust your strategies and approaches as needed.

By following this checklist, you can foster positive relationships with external stakeholders, demonstrating your commitment to responsible EHS management and ensuring your company is recognized as a responsible corporate citizen. This proactive approach not only helps in maintaining compliance but also builds trust and support within the community and among regulatory bodies.


10 ways to leverage technology to improve overall safety and environmental (EHS) performance.


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